1. Registration on MyPORTAL

Go to Register   you will be asked to insert your personal data and at the end you will receive a confirmation email with your username and password to access the system and go on to the following phases of the admission process.

2. Application

In order to take the admission test, you MUST complete the application procedure by accessing your reserved area on MyPortal click here to login using the username and password received via mail in the registration phase. Select Register’s Office from the menu on your left and click on Admissions test.

Candidates with any kind of disability are invited to make a formal request for the support they need in order to complete the test, by following the instructions detailed in the Call for applicants.

3. Conclusion and Payment

The registration process is finished only after having completed the second phase on the Selexi portal. The portal access link will be sent via email at the end of the first registration process, as indicated in point 2.

Within the Selexi portal, you will be asked to enter your country of residence, in order to choose the exam time and the location.

The test application is finalised only after the payment of the test fee of €165, which can be performed by credit card.

Payment must be completed no later than 29th June 2021, under penalty of exclusion from the entrance test.

The test fee shall in no case be reimbursed. Please note that the payment of the Admissions Test fee alone does not mean the application has been completed.

Once the payment is completed, candidates will receive a confirmation email of the registration to the admission test.

System Check

After completing the payment, candidates will receive a confirmation email containing key indications on how to complete the computer set up for the test.

Candidates are required to:

1) install Proctor Exam Google Chrome plugin, necessary to guarantee appropriate invigilation during the exam
2) complete a system check, which allows to understand whether video, audio and Internet connection are good enough to access the exam

When completing the above steps – to be completed at least 48 hours before the test day – candidates receive a second email containing the link to access the exam and instructions on how to complete their identification, which will be available in the hour before the test session scheduled time, and the environmental check to allow invigilation. Any official photo ID can be used for identification (passport, national ID card, driving license). The link to access the exam will be activated at the test session scheduled time.

Non-EU Admission Test
Online Admission Test – Non-EU Candidates ONLY*
*Do not hold a European citizenship
*Do not hold double citizenship (EU and Non-EU)
*Do not hold work permit in EU

Testing Date: Thursday, 8th July 2021.

Two sessions will be available:
1. Thursday, July 8th 2021 at 10:00 CEST
2. Thursday, July 8th 2021 at 16:00 CEST.

Testing Location: The test will be written online. All necessary procedures and protocols are
outlined in Art 4.1.

For the academic year 2021/22, the number of places still available for NON-EU citizens not resident in Italy after the first admissions test is 10.

Application for the admissions test: deadline, modalities and procedures
The application for the admissions test must be completed exclusively online through the University website Registration will be open from 12th April 2021 until 29th June 2021.

How to Apply

Humanitas University considers appropriate and essential to transform the admissions test into a home-based administered test, i.e. remotely-held at the candidate’s primary residence or any other place chosen by the candidate. The date and time of the admissions test are confirmed; the test will take place on the dates and times specified in the Call for Applications.

The HUMAT Test

HUMAT: the first step into your medical career. It tests what you can do, not what you already know, for a fair entry selection to medical school.

Through its new admission test HUMAT, Humanitas University aims at identifying talented students with strong skills in scientific thinking, critical thinking and have a solid academic literacy, regardless of their diverse educational background.

The test seeks to select students with the potential for a successful career in medicine. In fact, the test does not evaluate previous knowledge, but a set of skills and abilities relevant to:

  • face the academic requirements of the degree course/course of study,
  • foster the emergence and progression of scientific reasoning
  • sustain meaningful and self-regulated learning
  • promote correct decision-making processes

In the HUMAT Test students are required to answer 60 multiple-choice questions with four response options in 120 minutes. 

The test is composed of two sections:

  1. Scientific thinking
  2. Academic literacy/Critical Thinking



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